Biotext solves your content problems
We are content experts with a passion for science and a commitment to excellence

Communicating the state of the environment (SoE)
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
SoE reports draw together comprehensive analyses and data to assess every aspect of our environment. These vital national reports drive decision making and must meet the needs of many audiences. SoE content must be clear, comprehensive, accurate and engaging.
Biotext has been the SoE content leads since 2011, working with the independent authors, department and web teams to deliver great content. The 2021 SoE won Best in Show for Content at the 2023 Australian Web Awards.

Creating a comprehensive strategy
to reach CALD communities
Department of Health and Aged Care
Following the pandemic, the department needed to know how to best communicate with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.
Biotext developed a comprehensive content strategy and implementation tools to meet their needs. Content strategies ensure your content is high impact and easy to maintain. They are even more important when you have critical content that needs to reach diverse audiences.
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Our expertise spans the content lifecycle, from strategy to success
We are experts in complex content
Scientific and technical expertise and experience
We are content leads
Research | Content strategy | Content design
and testing | Information architecture
We are content developers
Writing | Editing | Information design
and infographics | Data visualisation
We are trainers
Training and workshops | E-learning
What we offer >>
Biotext can solve your content problems – and deliver the most effective solutions – because we understand your content
Making complex information into clear communication products
Questacon, Arid Recovery, Medical Research Future Fund, and more
Complex and technical information can still be transformed into engaging products. We develop communication materials based on researching and understanding existing content, or through interviews with subject-matter experts.
We have created many engaging communications products for national and international audiences, from summary booklets and fact sheets to brochures, media releases and infographics.
Exploring climate change science, information and resources
Adapt NSW, Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility
User-focused strategy, clear information and engaging infographics about the impact of climate change help our communities to prepare for change.
The scientific expertise and experience of the Biotext team ensures that our content is built from effective communications strategies and principles as well as presenting accurate climate change concepts. Biotext has worked on many national projects focusing on climate change, resilience and adaptation.
All partnerships and projects >>
Biotext is a trusted content partner
Our clients include:
- Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
- Australian Government
- Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
- Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
- Department of Health and Aged Care
- Department of Industry, Science and Resources
- Australian Maths Trust
- Cancer Australia
- Murray–Darling Basin Authority
- National Health and Medical Research Council
- NSW Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
- United Nations
- World Health Organization
Find us on Australian and international procurement panels:
- Digital Marketplace: Digital Transformation Agency
- Creative and Digital Communication Services: Services Australia
- Health Technology Assessment & Support Services: Department of Health and Aged Care
- Learning and Development Panel: National Indigenous Australians Agency
- Provision of Learning and Development Panel: CSIRO
- Writing, editing and proofreading services: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)